Sick workers: Shared Social Research and Call for Human Rights

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I present characteristics, analysis, and challenges of a qualitative research process that occurred in the study of sick workers' organizations in Colombia. The study was carried out through an agreement between the “Ministerio de Trabajo de Colombia” and the “Asociación de Abogados Laboralistas de los Trabajadores” (Asolaborales). I propose the notion of "shared research" to understand the particularities, the process and the scope of the research. The analysis shows introspection on the methodological aspects, that is, of a look inside the concrete research processes. Emphasis is placed on methodological design, the role of field work, the analysis of data, and collective reflections around research. As a result, the article discusses how the research team, made up mostly of lawyers, obtained a set of learnings while they met and carried out the qualitative research. The main conclusion is that the "shared investigation" allowed the development of the objectives of the “Asociación de Abogados Laboralistas de los Trabajadores” (Asolaborales), strengthened the interdisciplinary dialogue, and could be constituted as a working tool for some legal processes.
Keywords: Methodology in Social Sciences; Anthropology of work; Sick workers; Economic, political and social rights; Human Rights; Research process


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Velandia Díaz, D. (2018). Sick workers: Shared Social Research and Call for Human Rights. Jangwa Pana, 18(1), 56–71.
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