After the route of Nasa Coffee. Organizational techniques in Tierradentro, Colombia

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Cabrera Bravo Cabrera Bravo


This text is part of a doctoral study in Social Anthropology, an ethnographic research focused on coffee, to observe the relationship between producers and marketers in the Tierradentro region today. An approach to coffee, in its transformation from a plant to a finished product. Everything is part of processes in which the indigenous and peasant communities develop their own notions of life and other more specific ones called family, economy and territory; In other words, this document analyzes the forms of organization that intervene in a relational way with the environment and, thus, continuously construct forms of existence, communication and exchange in the initially indicated context. The objective of understanding and analyzing agriculture, manual labor and commercial alliance strategies, as creative ways to solve community life in inter-ethnic contexts. The modes of production associated with the coffee economy outline multiple forms of coexistence between subjects, environments and practices, in the places of the tropical geography where the plant adapts, places that are not the same where the product is sold at good prices, for recognition of the traceability of origin and cup profile, among other assessments. This article highlights the experiences of coffee growers from the Nasa people in relation to their history of social strengthening and territorial defense, as well as with heterogeneous technological processes.In this sense, this text narrates various points of view, which are part of a plot between people, things, environments and techniques, which converge in the continuous relationship of creating a product such as Tierradentro's specialty coffee.


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How to Cite
Cabrera Bravo, C. B. (2021). After the route of Nasa Coffee. Organizational techniques in Tierradentro, Colombia. Jangwa Pana, 20(1), 131–157.
Article of scientific and technological research


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