The Traces of Armed Conflict in Collective Mental Health

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Elisa Jojoa Tobar
Jesús Andrés Bonilla Muñoz
Nory Estefanía López Guerrero
Aura Milena Muñoz Oviedo


Within the framework of the implementation process of the Integral Model of Health Care - MIAS, it is necessary to recognize and understand the impact that the armed conflict has had on mental health, especially in the most affected territories. This article is part of the research called "Collective mental health: impacts on people affected by armed conflict. Caldono, Cauca. 2017 "and provides elements for the development of interventions for the Promotion of Collective Mental Health, considering that peace, social justice, acceptable housing conditions, education and employment (WHO, 2004) are indispensable prerequisites for this. so that the identification and description of the effects that the armed conflict has generated on the family-community-territory relationship in the Municipality of Caldono, Cauca, constitute inputs for the development of interventions in a post-conflict scenario. The objective was to recognize the impact that the armed conflict has generated in the collective mental health of the indigenous and peasant community of the municipality of Caldono from the family-community-territory relationship. This qualitative phenomenological research, used for the collection of information observation and in-depth interviews with key informants. The information obtained was organized according to the dimensions of the social and cultural structure proposed in Madeleine Leininger's theory of the Rising Sun, identifying that the community of Caldono, due to its experiences with the armed conflict, has an impact on the collective mental health evidenced for invisible wounds of war; achieving in the collection of information recognize different problems that affect the community and the territory, including human suffering, social and territorial stigmatization and despair, among others. Likewise, other experiences that have contributed to strengthen their collective processes of organization, solidarity and resistance, as strategies for the conservation of life and the right to live in their territories, emerge around traumatic events.
Keywords: Collective Mental Health, armed conflict, impact, family, community and territory


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How to Cite
Jojoa Tobar, E., Bonilla Muñoz, J. A., López Guerrero, N. E., & Muñoz Oviedo, A. M. (2018). The Traces of Armed Conflict in Collective Mental Health. Jangwa Pana, 18(1), 132–149.
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