Use of cleanliness and cleaning products in homes in Santa Marta: realities and possibilities for sustainable consumption realities and possibilities for sustainable consumption

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Javier De Jesús Viloria-Escobar
Farid Leonardo Rodríguez-Pacheco
Luis Francisco Miranda-Terraza


This study identifies some perspectives, preferences and behaviors of consumers in Santa Martaregarding the use of cleaning and personal hygiene products. The research is based on thetheoretical reflection of the sustainable development concept and, in the main, it is configuredby a typology of mixed methods, in the sense that it harmonizes framings of quantitative andqualitative research to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of sustainability fromconsumption and production, which are part of the Sustainable Development Goal Number 12.The results show that consumers are aware of the impact generated by these products on theenvironment. From these implications, a substitution of traditional cleaning and hygieneproducts for those more environmentally friendly arises.


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Daza-Corredor, A., Viloria-Escobar, J. D. J., Rodríguez-Pacheco, F. L., & Miranda-Terraza, L. F. (2018). Use of cleanliness and cleaning products in homes in Santa Marta: realities and possibilities for sustainable consumption: realities and possibilities for sustainable consumption. Jangwa Pana, 17(3), 414–434.
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