Performance of the genetically based racism instrument in medical students
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medical students
reproducibility of results
factor analysis
validation studies

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Campo-Arias, A., Celina Oviedo, H., & Herazo, E. (2014). Performance of the genetically based racism instrument in medical students. Duazary, 11(1), 41–48.


The concept of racial discrimination changes over the time; and today different forms are distinguished, among others, genetic, modern, symbolic and subtle. Accordingly, scales for quantifying these are proposed. The objective of the research was to determine the psychometric performance of the Genetically Based Racism Instrument (GBRI) among medical students of a university in Bucaramanga, Colombia. A validation study was done which participation of 341 students aged between 18 and 30 years, 59.2% females, completed a nine-item version of the GBRI. Cronbach alpha and McDonald omega were estimated. Internal structure was computed with exploratory factor analysis. RBGS presented Cronbach alpha of 0.81; and McDonald omega, 0.82. Internal structure was represented by one dimension responsible for 40.6 % of variance. As conclusion, GBRI has high internal consistency and one-dimension structure in the participating students. Future research should explore the performance of this instrument in students of other academic programs and Colombian cities.
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