Infección del sitio operatorio en cirugía ortopédica y traumatológica en la clínica el Prado
Contenido principal del artículo
Se presentan los resultados de un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo sobre la incidencia de procesos infecciosos en cirugía ortopédica y traumatológica en la Clínica El Prado de la Ciudad de Santa Marta durante el año 2007. Fueron evaluadas 3.884 historias clínicas de las cuales se incluyeron para el presente estudio 2.659 correspondientes a igual número de pacientes. Se excluyeron por diversos factores 1.225 historias clínicas correspondientes a igual número de pacientes. 65 pacientes presentaron Infección en el sitio operatorio con una incidencia del 2.4%. El sexo más implicado fue el masculino representado por 1793 (67.4%) pacientes y presentando una tasa de infecciones del 2.5%. La cirugía de tipo traumatológica se realizó en el 82% de los casos, mientras que la tipo ortopédica solo en 18% con una tasa de infección de 2.4% y 2.3% respectivamente. La infección temprana, se presentó en 63 pacientes del total de infectados que equivalen al 96.9%. El mayor porcentaje de infección se presenta en las heridas quirúrgicas sucias con un 11.1%. (Duazary 2009 I; 25-30)
We present the results of a retrospective descriptive study appear, on the incidence of infectious processes in orthopedic and trauma surgery during year 2007 at Prado Clinic of the Santa Marta City. 3884 clinical histories were evaluated, of which they were including for the present study 2.659 clinical histories. We excluded but several factors, 1.225 clinical histories corresponding to equal number of patients. 65 patients displayed Infection in the operating site with an incidence of the 2.4%. Sex more implied the masculine one was represented per 1.793 (67.4%) patient and demonstrating a rate of infections of the 2.5%. The trauma surgery of type respectively made in 82% of the cases whereas the single orthopedics type in 18% with a rate of infection of 2.4% and 2.3%. The early infection, appear in 63 patients of the total of who are equivalent to the 96.9%. Greater percentage of infection appears in the dirty surgical wounds with 11.1%.
Key Words: Surgical wound; Infection; Trauma; Orthopedic Surgery.
We present the results of a retrospective descriptive study appear, on the incidence of infectious processes in orthopedic and trauma surgery during year 2007 at Prado Clinic of the Santa Marta City. 3884 clinical histories were evaluated, of which they were including for the present study 2.659 clinical histories. We excluded but several factors, 1.225 clinical histories corresponding to equal number of patients. 65 patients displayed Infection in the operating site with an incidence of the 2.4%. Sex more implied the masculine one was represented per 1.793 (67.4%) patient and demonstrating a rate of infections of the 2.5%. The trauma surgery of type respectively made in 82% of the cases whereas the single orthopedics type in 18% with a rate of infection of 2.4% and 2.3%. The early infection, appear in 63 patients of the total of who are equivalent to the 96.9%. Greater percentage of infection appears in the dirty surgical wounds with 11.1%.
Key Words: Surgical wound; Infection; Trauma; Orthopedic Surgery.
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Cómo citar
Del Gordo D´Amato, R. J., Caballero Quiroz, R. J., Daza Haseth, D. A., & Vergara Corena, J. J. (2009). Infección del sitio operatorio en cirugía ortopédica y traumatológica en la clínica el Prado. Duazary, 6(1), 25–30.
Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica
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