Combine parentally and university studies, a highly significant challenge

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Mirith Vásquez Munive
Ángela Romero-Cárdenas


With the aim of interpreting the meaning of parenthood among nursing students who are also parents, a study was carried out with the qualitative paradigm, phenomenological approach, using the Spiegelberg method for the analysis of the information and the deep interview as a technique for gathering information. Five students were interviewed with whom the field got saturated. The participating external agents were three teachers of the nursing program and a mother of family, the information was validated through the triangulation of the data obtained from the subjects. Questions were registered and transcribed, and from the information emerged two categories: being parents and feelings. Subcategories were responsibility, beautiful experience, experience of experiences, inspiration, motivation, love, frustration, jealousy, transcendence and guilt. The meaning of being parents in nursing students is associated with the responsibility, the feelings and what they consider a life experience.


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Cómo citar
Vásquez Munive, M., & Romero-Cárdenas, Ángela. (2019). Combine parentally and university studies, a highly significant challenge. Duazary, 16(2), 206–214.
Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica


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