Intercultural education for citizenship in the era of digital interconnection
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Sánchez Fontalvo, I. M. (2009). Intercultural education for citizenship in the era of digital interconnection. Praxis, 5(1), 174–182.


Make dialogue and take on a life-long learning to live together, respect and mutual enrichment are the core values for our near and distant relationships with other people and different groups, not just culturally. The State and the society through the education system should be aware that by means of a dialogue we can negotiate what should be convenient or not for the cultural values of different people in the era of globalization. Public policy should encourage the participation of all population groups who may be affected by the disproportionate and indiscriminate amount of information technology. By the same token, we must be vigilant and prepared, in consultation with civil society, so as not to exclude individuals and groups from access to the media and acted upon. The idea would be a reasonable and equitable use of media by all the people of a country or a nation. It is time to reduce the enormous gap between the "northern and southern" in the network society.
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