George Orwell and 1984: a personal view
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oligarchic collectivism
the Party
totalitarian society
the proles
the ruling class
Big Brother
the Thought Police
Great Purgues
the Two Minute Hate
the Youth League
the Junior Anti-Sex League

How to Cite

Sandoval Gómez, A. (2009). George Orwell and 1984: a personal view. Praxis, 5(1), 33–47.


George Orwell´s 1984 is considered a great negative utopia, in the sense it depicts the nightmare of what life might become in an oligarchic collectivism pursued to its logical conclusion. Under a social setup which is nothing but totalitarian barbarism, eternal warfare is the price one pays for an elusive peace. The Party with capital P keeps a total control over all of man´s actions as well as thoughts . The novel is a great satire and it attempts to diagnose man´s alienation in all its aspects, but with special emphasis on the social organization recommended by Marx and practiced by Stalin.
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