Reinventing school from school texts actors: Teachers and students
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Self- confession
self- theming
pedagogical practice

How to Cite

Mosquera-Mosquera, C. E., Rondón-Márquez, I. G., & Tique-Bastos, J. F. (2016). Reinventing school from school texts actors: Teachers and students. Praxis, 12(1), 21–29.


This article is the result of a process of research done in the IE Carlos Arturo Duque Ramirez from Puerto Nare. The objective was to understand the stories of some teachers as possible pedagogical devices to improve teaching practice. We have choosen narrative as methodology. The main findings are summarized in enabling comprise: 1) the confession of the story of the teacher as a powerful tool to guide teaching practice; 2) unveiled that knowledge of itself the master himself by theming itself to improve, discipline is essential in the field of education; 3) understand that the student is a text that is open to be readby the teacher; 4) understand that the students are not problems for the school, I just have not known how to read.
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