Version: 2018-12

Jangwa Pana, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (ISSN 2389-7872 Online, ISSN 1657-4923 Printed) is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal devoted to the dissemination of original academic papers in the areas of social sciences and humanities, which includes disciplines such as: Anthropology, Sociology, History, Geography, Cinema and Audiovisual, Communication, Political Science, Philosophy, Law and Literature. Jangwa Pana is a publication focused on inter and transdisciplinary analysis with a critical approach from the different disciplines of Social Sciences and Humanities. The articles submitted for consideration must be original and unpublished. The acceptance of a manuscript to be submitted for evaluation by Jangwa Pana does not imply its approval, nor a commitment regarding the date of publication. The authors must keep copies of all the material sent.

Jangwa Pana receives contributions in all the languages ​​of Latin America and the Greater Caribbean: Spanish, Portuguese, French and English.

Documentation that must be submitted

The journal receives articles permanently and in a call modality for specific issues and thematic sections, special issues or dossiers. Those interested in publishing should send a letter of reference signed by all authors, stating that the article submitted has not been published, has not been sent to another journal, is original and unpublished, and indicates that the authors do not have any conflict of interest. In the same way, they must complete the identification form for authors and the transfer of economic rights. These documents along with the complete manuscript and images should be sent to the email: All the formats mentioned above can be downloaded from the magazine's website: If after a week you have not received confirmation of the receipt of your manuscript, please write again asking about the status of your request.


Types of articles accepted for publication

a) Research article: document that presents in a detailed manner the original results of research projects. It is recommended that the structure contain the following sections: Title (in Spanish and English), abstract in Spanish, keywords in Spanish, abstract in English, keywords in English, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments and bibliographical references. Manuscripts must have a maximum length of 10,000 words.

b) Reflection article: document that presents reflections that constitute relevant contributions to the discussions and debates in the different areas of Social Sciences and Humanities. The manuscript must contain at least the following sections: Title (in Spanish and English), abstract in Spanish, keywords in Spanish, abstract in English, keywords in English, introduction, and paragraphs of the development of the argument, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments and bibliographical references. The length of the manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words.

c) Review article: document resulting from an investigation where the results of previous research are analyzed, systematized and synthesized, preferably published in peer-reviewed journals and books of recognized publishers, on a field of research in Social Sciences and Humanities, to give an account of the advances and current trends in this field. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review and must contain at least the same sections as those described in section "b," article of reflection. The length of the manuscripts must not exceed 12,000 words.

d) Case report: a brief document that presents very specific but relevant original results of research, such as archaeological findings or precise case studies; it must contain at least the same structure of section "a" (research article). The length of the manuscripts should not exceed 5,000 words.

Note: for all types of articles it is recommended that the author expounds the state of the art of the research topic or, failing that, demonstrate mastery of the most relevant literature in the area of ​​knowledge to which the article is attached. This allows making evident the academic originality of the contribution.

e) Editorial: a document written by the editor, a member of the Editorial Committee or a guest editor, on guidelines in the thematic domain of the journal and other topics that the committee or editorial team wishes to disclose.

f) Bibliographic review: critical analysis on the literature of interest in the thematic domain of the journal. The length of the manuscripts should not exceed 1,500 words.

g) Letter to the editor: document where progress, analysis or criticism are reported within a field of research in humanities and social sciences, which constitute an essential contribution to the discussion of the topics by the scientific community. This section also allows the dissemination of information relevant to the academic community with which Jangwa Pana interacts, such as critical reports of academic events, new publications, academic programs and communications of relevance to the advancement of the social sciences and the humanities.


Editorial Quality of Articles

The articles must be delivered in .doc, .docx or .rtf format, in a single space (1) and justified on a letter-sized sheet, Times New Roman 12, keeping margins of 2 cm on the entire sheet. It must have a maximum extension according to the criteria exposed in the previous section. The first page of the document or cover page must contain:

a) Title of the work: with initial capitalized and bold, it must be concrete and synthesize the central argument or main objective of the work. The title must not have more than twenty (20) words; it must be in Spanish and English. The use of short and precise titles is recommended.

b) Author (s): in the case of several authors, the first name must be that of the principal author. The following information must appear from each author: Name (s) and surnames and an Arabic number in superscript that refers to the bottom of the page where the author's presentation should appear indicating: maximum level of education, position, and institution to which he or she is linked, email for correspondence and Orcid (Open Researcher and Contributor ID.). This information must be complete for all authors.


Cristian Alexander Perafán Martínez1

  1. Ph.D. Anthropology. Full Professor Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Universidad del Magdalena. Colombia. Email: ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0921-1149

c) Type of Article: define the type of article (Reflection, investigation, review, case report, letters to the editor, see section types of articles).

d) How to cite this article: you must indicate the way to quote the article, keeping the APA style


Ochoa-Cubillos, A.F., Vanegas-Carvajal, E.A. and Arizabaleta-Domínguez, S.L. (2017). Human rights and labor standards in organizations, facing the post-conflict situation in Colombia. Jangwa Pana, 16 (1), 38 - 53. Doi:


Declaration on conflict of interest

The manuscripts must include, in a footnote attached to the title, a statement in which the authors state that they have no conflict of interest, stating that they are independent with respect to the funding and support institutions, and that the execution of the work or The drafting of the manuscript was done only with interest concerning the investigative exercise. Therefore, only articles in which the authors have no conflicts of interest will be taken into account.

Therefore, it is important that, if necessary, the authors mention the support received (financial, equipment, work personnel, in kind, etc.) from people or from public or private institutions to carry out the research and of the people or institutions that can influence the results, the interpretation of these and the writing of the manuscript.


Structure of the article

From the second page onwards and according to the type of article (see section 2. Types of articles that are accepted for publication) all titles must be centered uppercase and in boldface.

  • Summary (title in initial and capitalized): the manuscript must contain a summary in Spanish, consisting of a single paragraph that does not exceed 350 words. It should be concise and describe the objectives of the study, methodology, the most relevant results of this, as well as the main conclusions. It should not include any bibliographic citation and should give a complete idea of ​​the work.
  • Abstract: the Abstract must be the English version of the summary in Spanish. It should be noted that the translation of the summary into English (Abstract) must be done rigorously, if you do not have the ability to translate it on your own, request or seek the support of a professional translation ; otherwise, your manuscript will not be able to advance in the editorial process (avoid sending translations made with software).
  • Summary in the original language of the manuscript different from Spanish: in case the article is submitted to be published in Portuguese or French, a summary must be included in the language in which it will be published. In this case, you must include three versions of the summary: Spanish, English and Portuguese / French.
  • Keywords: after the summary, a list of keywords separated by semicolons related to the content of the article will be included, which cannot be inferior to 3 nor greater than 6.
  • Keywords: accurate or more accurate translation of keywords.
  • Introduction: the manuscript must contain a detailed and updated review of the state of the art of the topic to be presented. Similarly, the problem, justification, and objectives of the work should be evident in this section. A general and specific context of the research problem must be presented.
  • Materials and methods: the way the study was developed should be included in a clear, concise and detailed manner. You must specify the methods and techniques used in work. Also, mention the materials used and where they have been obtained. When the article deserves it, you may present a methodological and epistemological reflection on the method used. In the cases of bibliographic reviews, it will be necessary to explain how was done the search for documents and in which bibliographical bases or what were the selection criteria of the bibliography. Different sections can be used under subtitles that give an account of the area of ​​study, type of study, population and sample, instruments, techniques, and materials. It must be written in past tense. For qualitative studies should be mentioned the participants in the research and the criteria for selection or identification of the same, the scenarios or study environments, the criteria of observation and methods used (for example interviews or focus groups). Authors are invited to include, when their research permits, a reflection on their field experience, as well as the ethical implications of the study (e.g., informed consent).
  • Declaration of ethical aspects: after the materials and methods as a secondary title, you will mention the procedures followed in the study to ensure compliance with ethical principles and standards, contained in international agreements and standards such as ILO Convention 169 and the national legislation of the country where the investigation was carried out. The fundamental principle assumed by Jangwa Pana is respect for all forms of life and various human and non-human expressions.
  • Results: express in a concrete way the development of the problem and the objectives stated in the introduction. In some cases, the statistical analyzes used according to the methodology, ethnographic and historical accounts must be included, and tables and figures can be presented that help to complement or synthesize the findings.
  • Discussion: the results obtained should be contrasted with the literature, thus highlighting the contribution of the work. Likewise, in this section, you must explain, interpret or reflect on the results, not repeat them. You should compare your findings with those of other studies, which should be cited appropriately. Moreover, new findings not reported so far can be made evident. The textual citations of previously published research should be avoided. It is suggested to discuss the most current theories and concepts about the investigated topic.
  • Conclusion (s): it is recommended that all the articles and especially the research ones present one or more conclusions referring to the most relevant results, the objectives and the research problems. In this section, you can also raise new research horizons or recommendations for future research.
  • Acknowledgments: in addition to the acknowledgments and recognition that the author wishes to offer, sources of funding for the research should be included; as well as people who in some way or other made substantial contributions to the article, but who are not considered authors of it, these should be named in the acknowledgments without mentioning titles or acronyms such as Prof., Dr., Ph. D., etc.
  • Bibliographical references: they must be presented at the end of the text, in strict alphabetical order. The APA standards format sixth edition governs the Jangwa Pana magazine. (Note: all citations in the text should appear in the references and vice versa).

In the following link you will find the Example article.

To take into account:

  • Subtitles: indicate the subdivisions of the major parts and should guide the reader in the topics dealt with in writing, as well as in the way it is organized. They should be aligned to the left in boldfaces and initial capital.
  • Footnotes: it is recommended to avoid the excessive use of footnotes. These should only be used to expand the relevant information that cannot be included within the text.
  • Textual quotations: can be used extensively in the results section. In the introduction and the theoretical and methodological parts, it is recommended to avoid its use and to privilege the paraphrasing. In general, it is expected that a document has less than 20% of quotations. All textual citations must be cited and referenced following APA standards.


Layout of the contents

At this stage of the process, the authors should be attentive to make form corrections of their manuscripts requested the technical team of the editorial of the journal. Once the articles have been reviewed, the editor must decide which contents will be published in the number. Having the approved articles comes to another stage in which the contents are passed by a correction of form; This stage can also contemplate the translation of the title, keywords and summaries, and the final layout of the number, especially in the case of printed versions. In the case of online versions, the graphic aspect must also be taken care of, since the contents must be following the graphic line of the magazine's website and the previous issues. Finally, the contents must be prepared for the different indexes or databases where the journal is included.


Structuring Boards, Figures, Texts, and Numbers

The following rules are established to facilitate the standardization of standards and the uniformity of editorial processes, besides, to assist the design and layout phases, regarding tables, figures, graphics, texts, and numbers, like this:

a) Boards

  • They must be produced in an MS Word table processor with the same font and one point less in font size than the text. Avoid subdivisions of cells.
  • The tables should be numbered and cited according to their sequence in the text, in correlative order with Arabic numerals and they will have a clear and brief legend in the upper part, which will be the reference of the table. It is recommended that the legend be clear and informative, to avoid consulting the text to understand the table.
  • Each table must be inserted in the body of the manuscript, and the content of this will be concise and summarized.
  • The information presented in the tables should not appear repeated in the figures.
  • The headings of the columns should be brief and precise. Use boldfaces only in the first column and row. The standard abbreviations of the units of measure should be placed in parentheses.
  • Vertical and horizontal lines should be used to separate the columns and rows. The cells will not carry colors.
  • Any additional explanation for the understanding of the table should be provided as a footnote.

b) Figures

  • Like the tables, the figures should be inserted in the body of the manuscript sequentially.
  • Boldfaces should not be used, and both lowercase and uppercase letters will be accented.
  • It is recommended that the legends be informative so that the reader does not need to consult the text to understand what the figure shows.
  • It is recommended that the explanations or descriptions considered necessary be written in the same legend to avoid text within the figures.
  • Also, the figures (drawings, maps, sheets, diagrams, computer graphics, and photographs) must be sent in independent files, in high-quality digital graphics format (tiff, bmp, jpg or gif), with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. If possible, it is recommended to send graphics vector files or send the original editable file in MS Excel.
  • The name of the file corresponding to the figure will be that of the first author followed by the number of the figure, e.g., López fig.1.jpg.
  • The figures will be numbered with Arabic numbers according to their sequence of appearance in the text.
  • The figures should be designed in grayscale or color when the author justifies it. Its original size should allow a 50% reduction, without loss of clarity.
  • Composite figures with several images will be listed consecutively. E.g. Figure 1a, 1b, 1c, etc. Scientific illustrations must have a comparable size scale.
  • Use the same type of font (Times New Roman 12 pts) in all illustrations and follow the style of the magazine.

Both in the tables and in the figures, the editorial technical team may request the author to make changes to achieve a better quality of the same and in search of a better organization and economy of the space.

In the case of photographs or images, a release of rights must be requested to the journal and must be filled in; In all cases you must indicate the source of the figure or if it is your own.



The magazine will only publish annexes in exceptional cases and duly justified. The annexes will be visible in the digital version of the journals, and these will be listed at the end of the manuscript sequentially (numbered as ANNEX I, ANNEX II, etc.). The structure of this section should be based on the figures or tables according to the case.


Quotations in the text

The Jangwa Pana magazine promotes and respects copyrights, which is why all citations must be correctly referenced in the text, including the author's last name, the year and some cases, if necessary, the pages. Authors are recommended to regulate by APA standards (sixth edition) for citations within the text and bibliographic references. Below are examples for each case:

  • One author: (Díaz-Boada, 2017).
  • Two authors: When two authors are separated by "and" (Fernández-Fonseca and Cardona-Sanchez, 2017).
  • Three to five authors: The surnames of all are cited and indicated, for example: (Ochoa-Cubillos, Vanegas-Carvajal, and Arizabaleta-Domínguez, 2017). Subsequently, only the first is quoted, and et al. is added, followed by a period (et al.) Example: (Ochoa-cubillos et al., 2017).
  • Six or more authors: When there are six or more authors, the surname of the first one is cited followed by et al. from the first citation: Hameroff et al. (2006) states that microtubules (...) - (...) quantum coherence would produce consciousness (Hamerroff et al., 2006).
  • More than two works by the same author, from the same year (Aragón, 1999a, 1999b); works of several authors in the same appointment should be ordered alphabetically, (Bombadil et al., 2000, Elrond & Jiménez, 1998, Galadriel, 2001).


Bibliographic references

They must come in line 1.5, and each one with a French indentation organized alphabetically.

a) Books: reference according to the following scheme:

  • Book with author:

Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. City, Country: Editorial.


- González-Montes, A. (2002). Scales: toward narrative modernization. Lima, Peru: Editorial Fund of the UNMSM

- Martínez-Dueñas, W. A. ​​(2016). Multinatural flows and networks: a journey through not [only] modern worlds in Puracé, Colombia. Popayán, Colombia: Editorial Universidad del Cauca.

  • Book with editor:

Last name, A.A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City, Country: Editorial.


- Wilber, K. (Ed.). (1997). The holographic paradigm Barcelona, ​​Spain: Editorial Kairós.

  • Book in electronic version:

Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http: //www.example.123


- De Jesús Domínguez, J. (1887). Administrative autonomy in Puerto Rico. Retrieved from

  • Book with DOI:

Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. doi: 00-00000000


- Montero, M. and Sonn, C. C. (Eds.). (2009). Psychology of Liberation: Theory and applications. doi: 10.1007 / 978-0-387-85784-8

b) Chapters of a book: a chapter of a book is referenced when the book is with an editor, that is, that the book consists of chapters written by different authors.

Last name, A. A., and Last name, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. In A.A A. Last name. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. # # - # #). City, Country: Editorial.


- Brumfield, E, and Earle, T. (1987). Specialization, Exchange, and complex societies: An introduction. In E. Bumfield (Ed.), Specialization and complex societies (pp 1-9). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

- Tocancipá-Falla, J., Perafán, A. and Martínez-Dueñas, W.A. (2016). Peasants and anthropology in Colombia: some scopes and current perspectives. In J. Tocancipá-Falla. (Ed.), Anthropologies in Colombia: Trends and debates (pp.587-607). Popayán, Colombia: Editorial Universidad del Cauca.

c) Scientific articles: referencing following the next scheme:

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B. and Surname, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, Volume (number), pp-pp.

- Quesada-Cárdenas, E.G., and Villamil-Guzmán, C.I. (2016). The Indians and the Sotaquireño cobblestones. Jangwa Pana, 15 (1), 58-70.

- Salazar-Duque, B. (2015). Perception of body image in Embera Chamí: body dimensions. Jangwa Pana, 14, 34-45.

  • Articles with DOI:

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surnames, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp. doi: 00.00000000

-Martinez-Dueñas, W.A. and Perafán-Ledezma, A.L. (2017). Anthropology and history: notes for an ethnography of the past. Jangwa Pana16 (1), 67 - 75. Doi:

- Ochoa-Cubillos, A.F., Vanegas-Carvajal, E.A. and Arizabaleta-Domínguez, S.L. (2017). Human rights and labor standards in organizations, facing the post-conflict situation in Colombia. Jangwa Pana, 16 (1), 38 - 53. Doi:

- Márquez-Macías, R. (2017). In Defense of Hispanic culture. Carolina Marcial Dorado (1889-1941): A Singular Woman in the North American Intellectual scene. Jangwa Pana, 16 (1), 217 - 231. DOI:

d) Thesis: referencing following the following scheme:

Surname, A. (Year). Title of the thesis (specify if it is an undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, place.


Aponte, L, & Cardona, C. (2009). Environmental education and evaluation of population density for the conservation of reintroduced condors in Los Nevados National Park and its buffer zone (undergraduate thesis). University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia.

e) Law, decree, resolution or order: Referencing following the following scheme:

Law, decree, resolution number. (Year of publication). Title of the law, decree, resolution. Title of the publication in which it appears officially


- Law 1448. (2011). By which measures of attention, assistance and integral reparation are dictated to the victims of the armed conflict and other dispositions are dictated. Official Journal 48096.

Quote model in the text:

(Number of the law, decree, resolution, year)


(Law 1448, 2011)

- Decree No. 1592. (2017). By which transitory dispositions are dictated for the putting in operation of the Special Justice for the Peace. Ministry

f) Legal standars

  • Constitution

Title of the constitution [Const.]. (Date of promulgation) number of ed. Editorial / Recovered from


Political Constitution of Colombia [Const.] (1991) 2nd Ed. Legis

Quote model:

(Const., 1991)

  • Article of the Constitution

Title of the constitution [Const.]. (Date of promulgation). Article [Title number]. Number of ed. Editorial / Recovered from

Political Constitution of Colombia [Const.]. (1991) Article 13 [Title II]. 2nd Ed. Legis.

Quote model: (Const., 1991, article 13)

  • Sentence

Magisrates court and courtroom that issues. (Date) Sentence number [MP.]

Supreme Court of Justice, Criminal Cassation Chamber. (November 12, 2014) Sentence SP15512-39392. [MP Fernando Castro]

Quote model:

(Court and room issuing, Sentence number)

(Supreme Court of Justice, Criminal Cassation Chamber, SP15512-39392, 2014)

g) Video Files

Author, A.A. [Username]. (Year month day). Title of the video [Video file]. Retrieved from http: // xxxxxxxx


Disforia City Productions. (2015, July 12). City Disforia - Wanda Fox Day of Memory 2015 [Video Archive]. Recovered from

Quote model of videos consulted online:

Last name (Publication date)


(Disforia City, 2015)

h) Online radio program (Podcast)

Surname, A. (year, month, day). Title of the PODCAST [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from htpp: // xxxx


Van-Nuys, D. (Producer). (2007, December 19). Shrink rap radio [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from htpp: //

To quote from the text take into account the following:

Nuys (2007).

i) Scientific nomenclature

  • The scientific names of genera and species should be written in italics. When they are mentioned the first time, they are placed full, even in the title and summary, and then only the initial letter of the genre is in capital letter, followed by the full name of the species in italics. For Families and Orders, names should be written with an initial capital letter


When they are mentioned the first time: Calliphora viccina

For the second time, it is named: C. viccina

  • Regarding the decimal figures, comma (,) should be used in the case of contributions written in Spanish; and period (.) in those written in English. In the case of units of a thousand, space must be used, not a period or a comma. When numbers that go from 0 to 9 are mentioned, they must be written in letters, except for those that indicate decimals, percentage or metric units.

j) Units

The measurements must be expressed in units of the metric system; space is left between the number and the unit of measurement and should not go after the abbreviation (15 m, 10%, 20 ° C, 7 kg). The units of abbreviated measures should only be used when numbers precede them.


  • Mathematical equations should be written as editable text and not as images. Give the meaning of all the symbols immediately after the equation in which they are used for the first time.
  • For simple fractions use the "/" symbol instead of the horizontal line; For example: instead of
  • The equations explicitly referenced in the text must be numbered consecutively on the right side, in parentheses.
  • The level of statistical significance must be indicated with the letter "p" lowercase and no space between the sign and the value of significance. Example: p <0.05.

The manuscript must comply with the guidelines stipulated in this document regarding its presentation and content. Without the above elements, the articles may not be submitted for evaluation.


Procedure for evaluation / arbitration of manuscripts

Before sending an article to the magazine Jangwa Pana make sure you comply with the instructions for authors. Also, the author or authors must guarantee that their manuscript has not been submitted simultaneously to other journals, it is original and unpublished.

The editorial team (editor and editorial assistant) will make a first selection of the manuscripts, establishing the relevance of the same for the magazine Jangwa Pana. This process takes approximately two weeks, where compliance with the rules for the authors is verified, as well as the suitability and quality of the same. If the manuscript does not comply with the guidelines, it will be returned to the author for full application.

Manuscripts that comply with all the guidelines set out in the instructions for authors will be submitted to the evaluation of national or international anonymous peer reviewers (preferably not belonging to the publishing entity). They will review the manuscripts. The arbitration process is double-blind. The evaluator will issue its concept on the document and may make recommendations or request clarifications. The editorial committee can support this process according to the needs that the editorial team presents in the selection process. The members of the editorial committee will be consulted collectively or individually as required by the editorial team of the magazine. The journal will send the concepts of evaluation to the authors within a period no longer than three months, time that begins from the sending of the manuscript to blind peers.

In case of a positive and a negative evaluation, the editor will decide on a said controversy, for example requesting a third evaluation or consulting the editorial committee, so that they can give a definitive verdict.

The observations of the evaluators, as well as those of the editorial team and committee, should be taken into account by the author, who will make the requested adjustments. The corrections and recommendations that the authors do not accept must be justified. The author must make these modifications and corrections to the manuscript within the period specified by the editor of the journal (approximately 15 days). In case of not responding during that time, the manuscript will be unsubscribed. After receiving the modified article, the author will be informed about its approval and the tentative date of publication (Jangwa Pana magazine reserves the right to decide in which number the article will be published). Every two months the editorial team will send a report to the editorial committee of the state of the articles in the process of evaluation, review of style and layout. This report includes the evaluations of blind peers, to verify the quality of the editorial process and endorse the arbitration process and the articles to be published.

The accepted articles will go through a process of correction of style and layout by the editing team. When you have the galley proof of the journal, the manuscript will be sent to the authors for review; this step is before the printing of the journal, it should be noted that the publication process in the journal does not present any economic cost for the authors. This phase can take up to three months from the approval for publication of the document.

The editorial team reserves the last word on the publication of the articles and the number in which they will be published. The journal reserves the right to make minor style corrections. The final version of the manuscript, after layout, will be sent to the authors for final verification.

Ethics in research and publication is fundamental for the journal, and therefore, in case of plagiarism or copyright violation, the manuscript will be rejected.

For more details, consult the guide of ethics and good editorial practices.


Originality Policy

The Journal submits all the articles that it receives to the tool of analysis of plagiarism and originality Turnitin (r). When full or high percentage match is detected, the text is not sent for external evaluation and the author is notified to request adjustments or modifications, in case the coincidence is partial, or to inform the reasons for the rejection of the manuscript, if this reports a totality in the coincidence.

The editorial process of the manuscript will continue after the author delivers the adjusted article, in accordance with the ethical standards of the magazine Jangwa Pana.

For more details, consult the guide of ethics and good editorial practices.


Copyright notice

Texts can be reproduced in whole or in part as long as the source is cited. The content of the articles published in Jangwa Pana is the sole responsibility of the authors.

REMEMBER: Presentation and attached documents for electronic submission:

Manuscript that contains:

  • Page 1. Cover page. Title of the article, name of the author (and complete data), declaration of conflict of interest, type of article and way of citing the article.
  • Page 2 onwards: Summary in Spanish and English (ABSTRACT AND KEYWORDS) and content of the manuscript (introduction, materials, and methods, results, discussion, and conclusions).
  • Bibliographic references must be presented at the end of the text, in strict alphabetical order according to APA standards (sixth edition).
  • Tables and Figures: inside and end of the manuscript in separate sheets.
  • Format for authors’ identification
  • Format of Patrimonial Rights transfer
  • Letter of reference signed by all the authors.
  • Among others, if required.
  • Among others, if required.