Aware of the importance of maintaining high standards of ethics and responsibility inherent in scientific publication, the editorial committee, scientist and editor of the journal Jangwa Pana contemplated in its editorial processes, actions necessary to prevent and avoid bad practices in their content. In this regard, it proposed below a guide for authors in these issues.

Editorial policy

The authors who wish to publish in the journal Jangwa Pana must register in Open Journal System ( and send the manuscript from this platform. Alternatively, the author may submit the same information via e-mail magazine (

Likewise, and in order to ensure the originality of the items and respect the copyright of third parties the editorial team of the journal Jangwa Pana submit all items received in their calls for a review of originality, for which uses the Turnitin software. When the total coincidence of the manuscript submitted to another text (without corresponding citations) is detected, it will be rejected immediately. So it will not be sent to external evaluation notifying the author the reason for rejection. If the similarity is partial will be notified to the author to make the necessary adjustments (including quotations, paraphrasing, use of quotation marks, etc.) in order to continue the editorial process, this long as they made the modifications requested.

Evaluation of articles and editorial process

Each article submitted to the journal Jangwa Pana is considered a confidential document. For this reason, the evaluation process for both assessors and authors is anonymous (double-blind). That is, both the data from reviewers and evaluators are kept anonymous. This not only guarantees confidentiality, but the rigor and objectivity of evaluations.

Author's responsibilities

The responsibility for the content of articles rests with the authors and not the editor, the editorial board, scientific or the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Magdalena.

The authors must state that they are independent with respect to the funding and support institutions, and that during the execution of work or article writing have not affected interests or values other than academics. In some cases it will be necessary that authors specify the support received (financial, equipment, personnel work, in kind, etc.) of persons or public or private for the study institutions, as well as personal and institutional relationships can affect driving, the results, their interpretation and writing of the article.

When an author reproduces a figure, a table or the like in a book or a magazine article, you make sure that you are not violating copyright (intellectual property rights). In the event that an author play tables, photographs or other illustrations, should cite the source, presenting the permits reproduction if they were needed.

The authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permission to reproduce text, figures, tables, photographs or other illustrations, previously published.

The material extracted from letters, manuscripts and interviews, which have not been published will not be accepted unless the permission of the author is obtained, ie, a document signed where this authorize the publication of the material in printed, digital media or any other means of disclosure giving rise, ensuring that will academic purposes only. The author always make proper acknowledgment of any material that is supplied.

The inclusion or removal of authors of articles once it has been submitted to the journal Jangwa Pana not be permitted. This will only be approved in strictly exceptional cases, for which it must obtain the written consent of the authors are to be removed, just as you must obtain a signed statement from the other authors of the article, mentioning the contribution in detail each person during the process of preparation and completion of the investigation. People who in some way or another article made substantial contributions, but are not considered as authors thereof, shall be appointed in the acknowledgments.

When an error is detected in any data from the article that may alter the content of a publication, the author or authors are obliged to let them know the magazine, in order that it may modify, remove or publish a faith errata. In the case that the error is discovered by a member of the magazine, they will be notified to or authors, to demonstrate that their work is necessarily correct.

Should avoid splitting without justification of manuscripts. Being a very extensive study or research, it may be published in several parts, so that each of them develops a specific aspect of the original investigation.

Translation of abstracts and keywords is the responsibility of the author. Pana Jangwa magazine assumes that the author has reviewed and appropriate translation thereof with the support of a specialist reviewer.

Editorial responsibilities

The editor, together with the Editorial Board of the journal Jangwa Pana, are responsible for the selection of articles to be published, taking as main reference expert assessments peers. The criteria for this choice are based on the characteristics of items, such as quality, relevance, originality, unpublished character and contributions to the knowledge of the themes that addresses the magazine Jangwa Pana. If an item is rejected, you will be notified in writing to the author of the reasons why the decision was made.

The editorial team of the journal Jangwa Pana responsible for the review process in Spanish style, layout, publication and printing of all papers accepted for publication. Also, the dissemination and distribution of the published edition, in this case a maximum of five copies will be sent to the main author of each article, free of charge, and repositories and systems of national and international indexing required.

Responsibility of the Peer Reviewers

Once the editorial team of the journal Jangwa Pana has verified the originality of the document by Turintin Software, it will proceed to peer review, with which the manuscript will be sent to two evaluators who conceptuaran on aspects of originality, depth and theoretical contributions.

Confidentiality of manuscripts in the evaluation process

When carrying out a written assessment, this should be seen as a document of utmost confidentiality, in any step of the publishing process and until its publication is made. Should not disseminate any fragment of the document review, either for the benefit of the reviewer own or that of others, nor harm others with such information. However there are exceptions, such as help from other experts in the field to strengthen the review process, with prior permission of the publisher responsible for the publication.

Editing rules

Every article that is submitted to the journal Jangwa Pana, must strictly comply with the editorial requirements specified in the guide for authors, both in terms of length and format of the content and system of citation and presentation of tables, graphs, charts and other elements include the document.

Declaration on ethical issues

In the section of materials and methods it should indicate whether the application of ethical standards in the case studies require prior consultation and informed consent, which are fundamental rights that indigenous peoples were taken into account and other groups ethnic; according to the ILO Convention 169 of the Colombian state has an obligation to consult indigenous peoples, through their representative institutions, whenever legislative or administrative measures which may affect them directly. For studies of social medicine magazine takes over the rules of the Helsinki declaration of the AMM.