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Harold Kelly


Strong socio economic relations between Aruba and Colombia have existed since the Pre Columbian and its extent can be traced to the Preceramic Period. Specific burial activities in the form of red dye on skulls suggest the continuum of a Preceramic belief system that through La Guajira reached Aruba. The expansion of the Caquetio polity towards la Guajira and settling in Cabo de la Vela beginning of the 15th century intensified the relation between La Guajira and Aruba during the Ceramic Period. The socio economic relation with groups of Rancheria valley and Sierra Nevada was not only based on advantageous trade but on the diffusion of ideas, techniques and religious concepts that got assimilated by the Caquetio of Aruba. The Spanish colonization of the region during the Historic Period and influx of European settlers thereafter brought forth a tremendous increase in traffic to and from La Guajira as a result of an exponential growth in commerce and social relations within the region. Commerce and trade continued after the 1920’s. The recent advent of air travel between Aruba and La Guajira brought forth continuity and further diversification of the existing socio economic ties whereby more people and goods were able to traffic back and forth than before. The socio economic ties between Aruba and La Guajira are expressed nowadays in a close familiar, economic and political relation whereby emphasis is laid on mutual cooperation


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Harold Kelly, National Archaeological Museum Aruba

Maestría en arqueología experimental y analysis de rastro de uso, National Archaeological Museum Aruba


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