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Emanuele Cabras
Maria Paola Crisponi
Paola Pinna
Giovanni Sistu


This article analyzes, through a case study, the potential of / archaeological tourism as an engine of development and dialogue in the Mediterranean marginal areas. In this scenario the role of cultural heritage and the specific routes or itineraries of cultural and tourist potential use turn fundamental in an environment of diversity in dialogue and exchange of south balance. The case study presented in this article refers to the of the project South - East Archeritage (project by the EU through the program CITY) and the enhancement of the common historical heritage and derived from the persistence Roman legacy.


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Cabras, E., Crisponi, M. P., Pinna, P., & Sistu, G. (2013). OPPORTUNITIES OF THE INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MARGINAL COMMUNITIES THROUGH CULTURAL TOURISIM. A STUDY CASE: SOUTH-EAST ARCHERITAGEThis article analyzes, through a case study, the potential of cultural / archaeological tourism as an en. Jangwa Pana, 12(1), 99–114. https://doi.org/10.21676/16574923.775
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