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Luis Gerardo Franco


The raising of other meanings about cultural practices that are constituted by objects and intangible manifestations, are faced to the impossibility of its legitimation because the logic of the patrimony transforms theses meanings in an expression of the point of view of whose is able to see it. Despite the mutability of patrimony as a political category, I argue that this category, currently, has become immutable as a project of a lot of  that works to establish a specify sense to the material heritage. In this process there is not a concern about the way through an interest group fixed some meanings, specifically the meanings that are inside the laws and museums that put as starting point: doesn’t care that the king is nude, we will keep the idea with the fictions that supposed that king has the best dress he can. By using this ideas this paper wants to discuss the im-possibilities of other meanings to patrimony as a political category.


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Franco, L. G. (2011). SEGUIREMOS HASTA EL FIN: LA (IN) MUDABLE ESENCIA DEL PATRIMONIO. Jangwa Pana, 10(1), 43–67.
Article of scientific and technological research


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