Ethnography to get closer to the way of life: to go, to come back, to keep coming back

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Lucy Nieto Betancurt


The following text aims to show how the movements in an ethnographic research allow us to break the illusion of sequentiality, and to contribute with views in different directions, as well as the behavior of the lines when they intertwine, knot and loosen. It is about the reflexive exhibition of ethnographic work, which seeks to know the way of life and in this way the mental health practices of peasant men and women in a village of Risaralda. It shows not only the issues that shape the questions, the technical decisions, but also the ways in which we relate to the participants of a research that deals with life.


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Nieto Betancurt, L. (2025). Ethnography to get closer to the way of life: to go, to come back, to keep coming back. Jangwa Pana, 24(1). Retrieved from
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