Book Review: Subjectivities of Indigenous Politics in Movement (Three Latin American Regional Experiences) 1st edition printed in February 2023 - Ávila Rojas, Odín

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Gerardo Eliud López Vargas


The review highlights the motivations presented by Odin Ávila, who proposes rethinking an interdisciplinary approach to address cultural and ethnic diversity in Latin America. In this context, he analyzes the epistemological foundations of social sciences as an alternative to understanding the subjectivities arising from the relationship between humans and their environment. Additionally, it acknowledges the effort involved in analyzing the complexity of culture throughout history to understand the dynamics of coloniality that underpin state structures. At the same time, it vindicates social structures that, from alternative subjectivities, challenge the status quo in Colombia, Mexico, and Bolivia, seeking their inclusion in public policies. Finally, it addresses provocative reflections on the repercussions of the differential approach in public policy.


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How to Cite
López Vargas, G. E. (2024). Book Review: Subjectivities of Indigenous Politics in Movement (Three Latin American Regional Experiences) 1st edition printed in February 2023 - Ávila Rojas, Odín. Jangwa Pana, 23(3), 1–4.
Literature review


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