Mojanes and saints: The oral tradition and the religious system of the peasants of Fúquene, Cundinamarca

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Andrea Santacruz González


Based on stories and oral tradition, the figures of the Mojan and the saints are characterized in the representation of the peasants of Fúquene (Cundinamarca), who are close beings with whom one interacts. Throughout the article, oral tradition and popular religion are analyzed as a single system where the norms and values ​​that govern the inhabitants of this region of Colombia are expressed. The stories show the coexistence of human and non-human beings, essential in the social control of the former.  


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Santacruz González, A. (2024). Mojanes and saints: The oral tradition and the religious system of the peasants of Fúquene, Cundinamarca. Jangwa Pana, 23(1).
Dossier: Etnografías I (part 1)


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