From The Pacific To The Amazon: The Migration Of The Afro-Colombian Communities To The Amazon Piedemonte

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Juan Carlos Rubiano Carvajal


This document analyzes the different causes that drove afro-colombian communities to leave the Colombian Pacific to settle in the Amazon foothills. It is studied how these people arrived in the Putumayo department and why they settled in the Cofania Jardines de Sucumbíos district, showing how the economic and kinship system, as well as the relationship with the Cofán community, played a greater role in consolidate this migratory and colonizing process. The consolidation of a migratory process, which is currently crystallizing in the formation of a community council and in the legalization of a collective territory, opens the doors to seek socio-political visibility of the communities, in this last path the afro-colombian communities of Sucumbíos.


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Rubiano Carvajal, J. C. (2024). From The Pacific To The Amazon: The Migration Of The Afro-Colombian Communities To The Amazon Piedemonte. Jangwa Pana, 23(1).
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