Dentistry Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons for Higher Education Institutions

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Edwin Velasco Carrillo
Oscar Javier Cabeza Herrera


The purpose of this article is to review the transformations that Higher Education Institutions have incorporated regarding the teaching of dentistry during the COVID-19 health emergency. To address this, an exploration of published literature on dentistry education in universities is conducted. The research follows a qualitative approach with a documentary design. Literature search is conducted through Scopus and Google Scholar; publications from 2020 to 2023. A total of 43 articles are analyzed. The article describes the context of clinical practice in dentistry during the health emergency along with, the educational, didactic adaptations and communication channels implemented in dental faculties. The conclusion underscores the importance of strengthening elements such as personal protective equipment, air control and teleconsultation, alongside incorporating strategies and innovations of virtual education into in-person education. Additionally, the need to strengthen infrastructure within Higher Education Institutions with haptic technology, virtual reality, and professional development in the management of these technologies, as well as in virtual learning environments and virtual learning objects. Finally, there is an emphasis on pedagogical reflection, and the significance of adjusting evaluation headings to the current reality. Strengthening a culture of quality assurance in higher education is also recommended.


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Velasco Carrillo, E., & Cabeza Herrera, O. J. (2023). Dentistry Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons for Higher Education Institutions. Jangwa Pana, 22(3), 1–18.
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Author Biographies

Edwin Velasco Carrillo, Universidad de Pamplona

Universidad de Pamplona, Odontólogo independiente. Odontólogo, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales; Especialista en pedagogía universitaria, Universidad de Pamplona. Correo electrónico: –; ORCID:

Oscar Javier Cabeza Herrera, Universidad de Pamplona

Docente tiempo completo adscrito al departamento de filosofía de la Universidad de Pamplona. Licenciado en filosofía e historia, Universidad Santo Tomás; Especialista en cultura política y educación, Universidad de Pamplona; Magister en bioética, Universidad El Bosque. Correo electrónico:; ORCID:


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