Social vulnerability and parental role in four settings, Medellín, Colombia

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Luisa Fernanda Betancur Mazo
Mariana Arango Torres
Nagibet Andrea Casas Cárdenas
Sebastián Velásquez Cerpa
Abad Ernesto Parada Trujillo
Alejandra González Mora


Social vulnerability is a problem to which many families are exposed: domestic violence, drug addiction, deprivation of liberty, economic precariousness or little access to health and education services. Social vulnerability influences family dynamics, upbringing and the formation of healthy affective bonds. The aim of this article was to understand the relationships between social vulnerability and parental role from the analysis of data collected in four different contexts. The research was framed in the qualitative approach, the interpretive paradigm and the phenomenological method. The participants corresponded to eight intentionally selected individuals in four contexts in the city of Medellín in Colombia: the Unbound Foundation, the La Paz Penitentiary Center, the Secretary of Health and Social Protection of the Itagüí Mayor's Office and the Pueblo de los Niños Corporation.The semi-structured interview related to the categories social vulnerability, parental role and parental skills was used as a data collection technique. The results show that the parental role and family dynamics -relationship, affective ties and communication- can be affected by different economic and social factors that affect social vulnerability. It is concluded that the fathers and mothers of families that are in situations of vulnerability face various obstacles that prevent them from exercising their parenting in an optimal way, since opportunities play a fundamental role for the creation and execution of a family life project.


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Betancur Mazo, L. F. ., Arango Torres, M. ., Casas Cárdenas, N. A. ., Velásquez Cerpa, S. ., Parada Trujillo, A. E., & González Mora, A. . (2024). Social vulnerability and parental role in four settings, Medellín, Colombia. Jangwa Pana, 23(1), 1–12.
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