Theoretical-methodological considerations for the study of mid-sized cities in their socio-spatial attributes

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Juan Guillermo Villegas Alzate


This article reflects on the mid-size city as an object of study under a socio-spatial approach suggesting suitable theoretical-methodological guidelines. It seeks to help researchers interested in this new concept, which is still under construction. Developed in three categories of analysis for said purpose; first, the concept of a mid-size city is discussed, why it is of scientific interest, its instability, its potential for being studied comparatively, and its close link with the urban network. Then, the socio-spatial approach is presented as a theoretical foundation for approaching the study of the mid-size city by dividing it into five essential interrelated attributes (biotic, social, economic, political, and housing). Finally, a methodological structure composed of a critical combination of methods oriented to socio-spatial analysis is suggested. This reflection contributes as the concept’s instability ceases to hinder its study. It reveals the strengths of the mid-size city, such as territoriality and proximity, and offers opportunities, such as greater governability. At a theoretical level, the definition of the mid-size city is contextual since it can only be defined as part of the urban network, and, for adapting it to specific research purposes, it must be supported by "socio-spatiality" because of variations inherent to the study area. This approach contributes to identifying essential urban attributes and facilitates the definition of variables. The article proves that the primary methods for its study are not premised on a choice between quantitative or qualitative lines but on a combination that could include comparative analysis, "expanded" fieldwork, historical contextualization and characterization, interviews, remote sensing and monitoring, density measurement, statistical analysis and mapping and modeling. These contributions are essential due to the territorial weight of mid-size cities in the general composition of the urban population. Such transcendence increases the social utility of geographic research by improving territorial management and public policies, facilitating decision-making.


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How to Cite
Villegas Alzate, J. G. (2023). Theoretical-methodological considerations for the study of mid-sized cities in their socio-spatial attributes. Jangwa Pana, 22(1), 59–76.
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Author Biography

Juan Guillermo Villegas Alzate, Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro

Magíster en Geografía, magíster en Arquitectura. Candidato a doctor Programa de Posgrado en Geografía, Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro.


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