Reflections on scientific fantasy and transhumanism based on the analysis of the stories El Psychon by Leopoldo Lugones and El Hombre artificial by Horacio Quiroga

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Maira Alejandra Mendoza Curvelo
Angélica Baquero Porras


This paper proposes a reflection on the relationship settled between science and occultism in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries in Argentina. It is based on the analysis of the stories El Psychon by Leopoldo Lugones, and El hombre artificial by Horario Quiroga. These short forms of literature which belong to the fantasy genre -more specifically, to the scientist fantasy genre – make possible the analysis and the problematization of the objective and universalist character of the modern science, that has been covered by the underlying interests of the scientist advances that pretend to improve “the human”, an idea that has been extended in what is known today as transhumanism, which in the same way, validates multiples sinister practices and narratives being worthy to be approached from a critic perspective. If the transhumanism could be thought as a fantastic narrative, due to its current fictional condition, it is important to discuss their implications on a social outlook, with the aim to reflect about the dynamics of the necessary experiments to get to that utopian state of humanity, as well as, the possible reconfigurations of an ontological and ideological order that involve human and no-human lives.


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How to Cite
Mendoza Curvelo, M. A., & Baquero Porras, A. . (2022). Reflections on scientific fantasy and transhumanism based on the analysis of the stories El Psychon by Leopoldo Lugones and El Hombre artificial by Horacio Quiroga. Jangwa Pana, 21(3), 192–203.
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Author Biographies

Maira Alejandra Mendoza Curvelo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM

Antropóloga de la Universidad del Magdalena. Estudiante de maestría en el Programa de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Angélica Baquero Porras, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM

Antropóloga de la Universidad del Magdalena. Estudiante de maestría en el Programa de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


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