Our ecological action under the experimental ethical scop

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Jorge Luis Montero Rodríguez


The ecological crisis is a problem solvable through logical actions that must be ethically examined. Environmental ethics is hardly normative; so, we need to put into experimentation the moral assessment and the ethic opinion about those solving actions. Logical actions are consequently ethical and also generate a paradox that is rationally difficult to avoid. However, we tend to choose those actions, or other weighted ones, propelled by feelings. This choice is the main ethical dilemma between moral agents and problematic circumstances. The present essay aims to clarify it and presents the description of the fundamental ethical principles for its experimentation.


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How to Cite
Montero Rodríguez, J. L. (2022). Our ecological action under the experimental ethical scop. Jangwa Pana, 21(3), 229–240. https://doi.org/10.21676/16574923.4725
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Author Biography

Jorge Luis Montero Rodríguez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Msc. Arquitectura. Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Guadalajara, México.


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