Magical thought and urban space in the Tokyo Babylon manga

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Sarahi Isuki Castelli Olvera
Jesús Enciso González


This article analyzes, through a case study of the Japanese manga Tokyo Babylon (1992), how magical thinking is present in contemporary societies and is part of urban life both in non-industrialized countries and in those that are cataloged from the First world. Through an iconographic analysis, based on the paradigm of indexical inferences of microhistory; we conclude that this manga, created by the CLAMP collective, represents Tokyo as a city whose urban thinking is imbued with magic through the material morphology of the modern city, arising from the renovation project of the eighties and nineties, in which medieval magical urban thinking and samurai have continuity. This work is based on the proposals of Henry Lefebvre, Henry D. Smith and Pierre Bourdieu.


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Castelli Olvera, S. I. ., & Enciso González, J. . (2021). Magical thought and urban space in the Tokyo Babylon manga. Jangwa Pana, 20(1), 81–100.
Article of scientific and technological research


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