Sites of memory, sites of silence: Atlantic Slavery in Spanish and Cubans Museums from an international comparative perspective

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Ulrike Schmieder


The article refers to results of a project about memories of Atlantic slavery. It compares museums in Spain and Cuba with respect of the visualization and explaining discourses about the slavery past, the presented image of enslavers and enslaved (Museo de América in Madrid, Museo de Historia de Cataluña, Museo Marítimo, both in Barcelona; Casa de África in Havana, Museo de la Ruta del Esclavo in Matanzas, Sala Museo in Álava/ Méjico) with museums in the United Kingdom and France. The analysis of the museology was accompanied by interviews with actors of memory. The study affirms the missing of the voices of the enslaved in all Spanish and Cuba museums except the small local museum in Álava/ Méjico. In Spanish museums racist visualization and verbal concepts persist which present the enslaved as commodities and inferior human beings, not as rebels and agents of their own history. Moreover, the perpetrators and beneficiaries of the traffic of Africans and slavery do not appear in the museology, the enslavement is presented as a natural event. The text discusses possible causes of the differences to the English and French museums where exhibitions also refer to the resistance of the enslaved and in some cases sources which reflect their perspectives.


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How to Cite
Schmieder, U. (2021). Sites of memory, sites of silence: Atlantic Slavery in Spanish and Cubans Museums from an international comparative perspective. Jangwa Pana, 20(1), 52–80.
Article of scientific and technological research


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