Inheritance modes of dental morphology in Misak families of the municipality of Silvia (Cauca, Colombia)

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Lizeth Hurtado
Linda Montenegro
Cindy Pardo
Mónica Tipas
Andrés Zuleta
Sandra Moreno
Freddy Moreno


This is a cross-sectional descriptive study that identified the pattern of inheritance of 14 Non-metric Dental crown Traits (NDcT) from the frequency, variability, sexual dimorphism, bilateral asymmetry and correspondence between traits, in plaster models obtained from a group of ten families -mother, father and son/ daughter - who are part of the Misak community of Silvia (Cauca, Colombia). For deciduous dentition, Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (ASUDAS, 1991) was used for crowding, winging and cusp 6, Grine (1986) for Carabelli cusp, Sciuli (1998) for protostylid, deflecting wrinkle, cuspid pattern and number of cusps, and Hanihara (1966) for cusp 7 in deciduous dentition; and for permanent dentition, ASUDAS for the 14 NDCT. High frequencies were observed of protostylid P-point, deflecting wrinkle, cuspid pattern, number of cusps and cusp 6 in deciduous teeth; as well as in permanent teeth crowding, winging, shovel shape, hypocono reduction, protostylid P point, cuspid pattern and cusp 6. There was not sexual dimorphism and bilateral symmetry was observed. There was correspondence between the deciduous teeth and permanent for the expression of the Carabelli cusp, the number of cups and the 6 cusp. It was observed a tendency of the dichotomous presence/absence of the NDCT inheritance from the mothers to the children. According to the NDCT expression and variability the Misak indigenous group corresponds to a population with a considerable influence of the Mongoloid dental complex and a minor influence of Caucasoid and Negroid dental complexes. The absence of sexual dimorphism, the presence of bilateral symmetry, and the correspondence of some traits, evidence a strong genetic control in the inheritance mode (with a tendency from mothers to children) and a low influence of the environment.


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How to Cite
Hurtado, L. ., Montenegro, L. ., Pardo, C. ., Tipas, M. ., Zuleta, A. ., Moreno, S., & Moreno, F. . (2021). Inheritance modes of dental morphology in Misak families of the municipality of Silvia (Cauca, Colombia). Jangwa Pana, 20(1), 11–33.
Article of scientific and technological research


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