Conservation of prehispanic human remains in THE Eje Cafetero, Colombia

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Juliana Gómez Mejía
Viviana Andrea Yepes López


There is great complexity around the conservation of skeletal remains of archaeological origin. Factors such as inadequate handling in the field, difficulties in transportation to the laboratory and lack of good practices for conditioning and final storage, are just some of the external agents that can deteriorate and destroy human remains, preventing more complete analysis of the archaeological site as well as the development of future research. Taking into account the increase of funerary contexts that have been reported in cultural resource management (CRM) projects in various regions of Colombia, and, the role played by museums and academic institutions that have undergraduate and postgraduate programs in anthropology and archeology, this work aims to discuss some principles that can guide the formulation of a management plan for collections of human bone remains of archaeological origin, based on the experiences of the Laboratory of Biological Anthropology at the University of Caldas. Finally, the importance of incorporating ethical discussion and practical activities in anthropology curricula is highlighted.


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Gómez Mejía, J. ., & Yepes López, V. A. . (2019). Conservation of prehispanic human remains in THE Eje Cafetero, Colombia. Jangwa Pana, 19(1), 85–101.
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