Anthropological implications of the presence of the polymorphism rs9282541 in the warao of the Orinoco delta, Venezuela

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Dinorah Castro de Guerra
Diana Sierra-Lovera
Sara Flores-Gutiérrez
Merlyn Vívenes-Lugo


The ABCA1 gene plays an important role in the extraction of intracellular cholesterol for the formation of the HDL cholesterol. The ABCA1*230Cys allele variant of this gene (polymorphism rs9282541) has been consistently associated with alterations in blood lipid levels. This variant has been observed in maximum frequencies of 33% only in Native Americans and mestizo populations descended from these. This is the reason why it is considered a genetic marker of Amerindian origin. It has not been identified in populations studied in Europe, Asia or Africa. The highest frequencies are shown in Central America, with a decrease toward the extreme north and south of the continent. There are no studies of the rs9282541 polymorphism in Venezuela, therefore it has not been possible to make comparisons with groups from the rest of the continent. With this interest, the objective of this research was to identify the frequency of ABCA1*230Cys in the warao of the Orinoco delta (Delta Amacuro state, Venezuela, N=115), and compare through genetic distances with reports from other American groups. This information is useful to the discussion about its genetic origin. The allele frequency was 13.05%, intermediate value in relation to that reported for other indigenous groups. The genetic distance between warao and the rest of the Amerindian populations establishing similarities with populations of proto-chibchan origin and other hunter-gatherers from the northern Amazon of different linguistic origin. The presence of this Amerindian variant originated in Central America establishes a remote connection with native groups from that region. These results show the importance of such studies integrating genetic and historical data to improve the level of discussion about the origin of Native American populations, also they give value to the usefulness of ABCA1*230Cys variant in other to establish genetic links between populations of interest. This is the first report of the rs9282541 polymorphism of the ABCA1 gene for Venezuelan indigenous populations.


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Castro de Guerra, D. ., Sierra-Lovera, D. ., Flores-Gutiérrez, S. ., & Vívenes-Lugo, M. . (2019). Anthropological implications of the presence of the polymorphism rs9282541 in the warao of the Orinoco delta, Venezuela. Jangwa Pana, 18(3), 469–481.
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