To roller skate a file: The 004 bill taskforce at the Indigenous Affairs Direction

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This article analyses the role of the anthropologist´s group that works on the judiciary order of protecting the indigenous groups at extermination risk because of the war, at the Direction of Indigenous Affairs of the Ministry of Interior. Through a ten month fieldwork focused on their job duties and work routines, it finds that their professional role is not about their expertise on the indigenous problematics used as input for decision-makers, but on managing and mediating between the indigenous people and the government institutions in the administrative processes related to the concertación between the indigenous people and the other government institutions.  Additionally, the article highlights that even if they have a limited control and decision making in the process, their role is complex because it requires a multiplicity of positions to embrace as mediators, which puts them in the crossroads between what they learned as anthropologists, what they have to do as representatives of the State and what they do as citizens. Finally, it argues that this limited and complex work reflects a change in the work of anthropologists in the interaction between the State and the indigenous people.


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Pellegrino, V. (2018). To roller skate a file: The 004 bill taskforce at the Indigenous Affairs Direction. Jangwa Pana, 18(1), 38–55.
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