Kitchen-gardens and Urban agriculture politics: from self-consumption to the market?

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In Bogotá, at the beginning of the 21st century, institutional blocks were presented for the social aspects of stories such as agricultural agriculture, healthy eating and communitarian community. Many of these policies studied were due to social inclusion and were directed by the City Halls. In the government plans: "Bogota Without Indifference" (2004-2007), "Positive Bogota" (2008-2011) and "Bogotá Humana" (2012-2015), two intervention processes were advanced to form networks of urban agriculture. localities of the city. These interventions promoted the recognition of previous community experiences, as well as the emergence of new initiatives in the context of urban agriculture. 


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How to Cite
Velandia-Díaz, D. (2018). Kitchen-gardens and Urban agriculture politics: from self-consumption to the market?. Jangwa Pana, 17(2), 181–183.
Carta al editor


Velandia-Díaz, D. (2008). Apropiación y exclusión de la ciencia en agricultura urbana en Bogotá. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil. Documento de trabajo. Recuperado de Urban Agriculture Found (2000). Urban Agriculture Magazine 1(1). Recuperado de