En defensa de la cultura hispana: Carolina Marcial Dorado (1889-1941), una mujer peculiar en el escenario intelectual de Norteamérica

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Rosario Márquez-Macías


This work examines the cultural bonds that were established between Spain and the United States in the first third of the 20th century. Thus it will analyze the constructive collaboration that existed between various institutions, foundations, universities and individuals – especially involving Barnard College Professor, Carolina Marcial Dorado. This cultural cooperation achieved extraordinary results, but its duration was short-lived as a result of the war situation which began with the Spanish Civil war and continued through the Second World War.


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How to Cite
Márquez-Macías, R. (2017). En defensa de la cultura hispana: Carolina Marcial Dorado (1889-1941), una mujer peculiar en el escenario intelectual de Norteamérica. Jangwa Pana, 16(2), 217–231. https://doi.org/10.21676/16574923.2163
Article of scientific and technological research