Rufino José Cuervo's heritage to "coproducers" of his intellectual work

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Daniel Velandia-Díaz


Developed a process of doctoral research in anthropology during the period 2011-2015, the project was entitled "Production relations in the graphic arts in Bogota: Daily life, flexible work and commercial concentration in the XXI century." In the course of the investigation appeared the figure of Rufino Jose Cuervo (1844-1911) of unexpected form. A typographer more than 60 years of age told me that there was an inheritance of this personage for the typographers of Bogota. After knowing this matter, I found it necessary to establish the connections between this literate personage of the nineteenth century and the object of my investigation


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How to Cite
Velandia-Díaz, D. (2017). Rufino José Cuervo’s heritage to "coproducers" of his intellectual work. Jangwa Pana, 16(2), 161–164.
Carta al editor


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