Memory and ways to represent judgments against genocides in Argentina. A concept to analyze the written press

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Natalia Paola Crocco


This article proposes to carry out a conceptual round of different academic elaborations that have thematized and conceptualized the topic of "memory". The principal aim is constructing a concept to deal with the way in which the graphic press represents the trial process against those responsible for the crimes committed by the State during the last military civic dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983). The article begins with an introduction that places the investigation within the framework of the trial process in Argentina as the event that allows the emergence of new discourses and senses linked to terror, producing novelties in the developments of the Social Sciences in general and studies of memory in particular. The first section focuses on the ways in which the concept of memory has been thematized and defined as an analytical category by the Social Sciences. The second, third, fourth and fifth sections aim to bring together the main characteristics of the concept of memory built throughout the article, in which memory is considered as a framed, conflictive, multiple, long-lasting process that connects past, present and future. Finally, the discussion and conclusions seek to integrate the concept constructed throughout the text with the approach of trials in the written press and leave some questions open


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Crocco, N. P. (2017). Memory and ways to represent judgments against genocides in Argentina. A concept to analyze the written press. Jangwa Pana, 16(2), 282–291.
Reflection Article


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