Folds of social and community leadership

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Édgar Fernández-Fonseca
Fernando Cardona-Sánchez


The object of this work focuses on characterizing research studies conducted on social leadership and community leadership, between 2004-2014, by research groups classified in Colciencias and attached to universities and research centers in Bogota city. Providing a critical and reflective social and community leadership, from the state of the art, opens up the range of possibilities to get to know what has already been researched, but it also promotes leadership training by means of getting acquainted with the methodologies undertaken by leaders. The main approaches found on to the documentary corpus are the other side of the coin, making difficult the conceptual and methodological approach. However, it can be noted that institutional agency marked by technical and specialized rationality prevails in the social leadership, while on the other hand, in the community leadership, actions directed to collective empowerment under a pragmatic rationality that is territory-and-identity based predominate


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How to Cite
Fernández-Fonseca, Édgar, & Cardona-Sánchez, F. (2017). Folds of social and community leadership. Jangwa Pana, 16(2), 197–216.
Article of scientific and technological research