Human security: applicability of the concept to the colombian reality

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Camilo Andrés Devia-Garzón
Dina Alejandra Ortega-Avellaneda


The purpose of this document is to establish the relationship between the concept of Human Security and the realities of Colombia. On the one hand, it shows the main theoretical contributions, which have been done in this country to the Human Security issue. On the other hand, it shows how this concept is put into practice in Colombia. Finally, the document stablishes the current context of Colombia and the challenges facing the potential. l post-conflict scenario in Human Security. It also demonstrates, that the end of armed conflict requires the inclusion of other dimensions to security. With the purpose of improving the conditions of the population and allowing a real peace scenario.


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How to Cite
Devia-Garzón, C. A., & Ortega-Avellaneda, D. A. (2016). Human security: applicability of the concept to the colombian reality. Jangwa Pana, 15(1), 71–87.
Article of scientific and technological research
Author Biographies

Camilo Andrés Devia-Garzón, Military University of New Granada

Professional in International Relations and Political Studies. Magister in International Matters. Investigative teacher, Faculty of International Relations, Strategy and Security Faries

Dina Alejandra Ortega-Avellaneda, Military University of New Granada

Professional in International Relations and Political Studies, Student of Mastery in International Matters. Young woman Investigadora, Faries