Indios and empedrados sotaquireños

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Edwin Giovanni Quesada-Cárdenas
Clara Inés Villamil-Guzmán


This research article describes the preparation of traditional culinary dishes of the Sotaquirá town (Boyacá), these are part of the ancestral knowledge that had kept throughout generations in the inhabitants of the municipality, and characterizing the sotaquireña community. In addition, it is exposed some facts related to the management of the municipal administration (2012-2015), which promoted the permanence and recognition of those traditional knowledge as cultural heritage. This is results of a research process called “Peasant Identity according to its traditional occupations in the municipality of Sotaquirá (2013-2015)"; which are necessary to keep on the identity of the peasants in the town of Sotaquirá. The methodological focus was qualitative, by using socio- critical. It was used the interview and participant observation for recognizing the importance of the dishes that are essential to configure the aspects of the Identity of sotaquireños community. This investigation was important because it created reflection spaces in the participants taking into account culinary traditional occupations in the municipality, thus, the participants recognized the value of their traditional dishes as a cultural heritage, and the peculiarities of their preparation according to home contexts.


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How to Cite
Quesada-Cárdenas, E. G., & Villamil-Guzmán, C. I. (2016). Indios and empedrados sotaquireños. Jangwa Pana, 15(1), 58–70.
Article of scientific and technological research
Author Biographies

Edwin Giovanni Quesada-Cárdenas, University of Boyacá

Specialist in Pedagogy of the Rights Human and Graduated in Modern Languages Spanish and Englishman. Student of Mastery in Literature. Teacher of the Department of Ethics and Humanities of the Faculty of Human and Educational Sciences.

Clara Inés Villamil-Guzmán, University of Boyacá

Licensed in Social Sciences. Magister in History. Specialist in Management of IT Systems. Teacher associated of the department of Ethics and Humanities of the Faculty of Human and Educational Sciences.


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