Didactics of humanity in “journey to the future” and “the child of the reed” by Cesar Vallejo

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Elena Guichot-Muñoz


This article examines two of the least studied tales of Peruvian author César Vallejo: Journey to the future, and The child of the reed. Between 1935 and 1936, years in which the poet ran through avant-garde aesthetic, these two short stories that show the essence of the human being through various textual strategies were published. In the first story, Vallejo plays with the language of the absurd, with comedy and a satirical approach to the films of Chaplin, to criticize directly the so-called alienating capitalism. In The child of the reed, his prose is stylized and vernacular fauna and flora confused with the drawing of the protagonist. Everything comes together in a beautiful restoration of an Indigenism that resembles a pantheistic philosophy. This article reviews a fundamental concept at the time: the alienation of the individual, and its opposite, the integration of humans in nature.


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How to Cite
Guichot-Muñoz, E. (2015). Didactics of humanity in “journey to the future” and “the child of the reed” by Cesar Vallejo. Jangwa Pana, 14(1), 125–135. https://doi.org/10.21676/16574923.1572
Reflection Article
Author Biography

Elena Guichot-Muñoz, Universidad de Sevilla

Docente del Departamento de Didáctica de la lengua y de la literatura y Filologías integradas


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