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Martha Elena Alfaro Castro
Susana Gomez Serafín


In recent years, the study of ancient populations has focused its interest in the different nuances and roles played by individuals within a particular society emphasizing gender relations within the social structure. In this sense, this research tries to make inferences of some aspects that may have been part of the daily lives of women who lived in the village of San José The analysis of pathologies and indicators of stress showed some notable differences by gender and age of these traits in the individuals analyzed is feasible that variations may be found, in part, related to a differential susceptibility based on sex , lifestyle or division of labor


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Castro, M. E. A., & Serafín, S. G. (2014). FORMATIVE WOMEN. HEALTH AND ACTIVITIES IN SAN JOSE MOGOTE, OAXACA, MEXICO. Jangwa Pana, 13(1), 82–99.
Article of scientific and technological research


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