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Liliana Serrano
Ana Luísa Santos


In 1981/2 an archaeological emergency excavation took place on the fields associated with the pyrite mining of Aljustrel (Beja, Portugal). This area is also known by Vipasca, the Roman of this important cooper extraction center, still active nowadays. remains were recovered during the field seasons and later housed in the Municipal de Aljustrel. The current research aims to study these past inhabitants and contextualize them with the mine and mining activities. A minimal number of 28 individuals adults 28, 14 4 females and 10 of undetermined sex), a chronological range from the 7th to the 17th centuries A.D.. Among the evidences visible in the adult s special attention was given to the cases of oral (e.g. caries, calculus and teeth discoloration), congenital traumatic lesions (e.g. ulnae, ribs, and fibulae), stress indicators and traits such as gonial eversion. Moreover, an adult male shows fusion, femoral anteversion and hyperdorsiflexion of the joint. The reported, will be discussed with other studies in mining contexts worldwide. Considering that bioarchaeological studies in mine areas are scarce, this study is a contribution to the knowledge of the populations that cohabited with such environments.


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