Arqueología como una estrategia para la reconstrucción y apropiación del pasado en Santander, Colombia

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MONICA Giedelmann Reyes


 This text shows the case of the Northeastern region of Colombia (County of Santander) to illustrate how the lack of archaeologists and archaeological research have shaped the way people relate to their past. Historical archives have become the main source of documentation for the local population, which has encouraged the construction of a foreign image of their own pre-Hispanic heritage. Furthermore, incipient governmental policies in the region have triggered that both touristic industry and private companies have implemented initiatives, which has ultimately questioned who is responsible for protecting the archaeological legacy


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How to Cite
Giedelmann Reyes, M. (2010). Arqueología como una estrategia para la reconstrucción y apropiación del pasado en Santander, Colombia. Jangwa Pana, 9(1), 38–44.
Article of scientific and technological research


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