Approach and scope

Jangwa Pana (e-ISSN 2389-7872) is a four-monthly refereed journal, dedicated, since 2001, to the dissemination of academic works in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities (Anthropology, Sociology, History, Geography, Cinema and Audiovisuals, Communication, Political Sciences, Philosophy, Law and Literature). The articles submitted for consideration must be original and unpublished and preferably the result of an investigation process. Jangwa Pana is a journal that is consolidated as a publication focused on inter and transdisciplinary issues with a critical approach from the different disciplines of the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Objective of the journal

Disseminate research on inter and transdisciplinary issues with a critical approach from the different disciplines of the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Target audience

Journal aimed at researchers, teachers, students and professionals, interested in building knowledge communities in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities that contribute to their theoretical and practical enrichment in inter and transdisciplinary topics with a critical approach from the different areas of Science Social and Humanities.

Periodicity and diffusion

Jangwa Pana: Journal of social sciences and humanities is published every four months in the periods: January-April, May-August and September-December, finishing the publication process at least in post-print no later than the first day of each period; its dissemination is national and international.

Citation and referencing rule

Jangwa Pana: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, defends and respects copyrights, which is why all citations must be correctly referenced in the text, including the author's surname, the year and, in some cases, if necessary. pages depending on the case. The authors are requested to follow the instructions for citations and bibliographic references set out in the APA standards (Last edition).

Peer evaluation process

Before sending an article to the journal Jangwa Pana make sure you comply with the instructions for authors, in addition. The author or authors must guarantee that their manuscript has not been submitted simultaneously to other journals, it is original and unpublished.

The editorial team (editor and editorial assistant) will make a first selection of the manuscripts, establishing the relevance of the same for the journal Jangwa Pana. This process takes approximately two weeks, where compliance with the rules for the authors is verified, as well as the suitability and quality of the same. If the manuscript does not comply with the guidelines, it will be returned to the author for full application.

Manuscripts that comply with all the guidelines set out in the instructions for authors will be submitted to the evaluation of national or international anonymous peer reviewers (preferably not belonging to the publishing entity). These will review the manuscripts. The arbitration process is double blind. The evaluator will issue its concept on the manuscript and may make recommendations or request clarifications. This process can be supported by the editorial committee according to the needs that the editorial team presents in the selection process. The members of the editorial committee will be consulted collectively or individually as required by the editorial team of the journal. The journal will send the concepts of evaluation to the authors within a period no longer than three months, time that begins from the sending of the manuscript to blind peers. 

In case of a positive and a negative evaluation, the editor will decide on said controversy, for example requesting a third evaluation or consulting the editorial committee, so that they can give a definitive verdict.

The observations of the evaluators, as well as those of the editorial team and committee, should be taken into account by the author, who will make the requested adjustments. The corrections and recommendations that the authors do not accept must be justified. These modifications and corrections to the manuscript must be made by the author within the period specified by the editor of the journal (approximately 15 days). In case of not responding during that time, the manuscript will be unsubscribed. After receiving the modified article, the author will be informed about its approval and the tentative date of publication (Jangwa Pana journal reserves the right to decide in which number the article will be published). Every two months the editorial team will send a report to the editorial committee of the state of the articles in process of evaluation, review of style and layout. This report includes the evaluations of blind peers, to verify the quality of the editorial process and endorse the arbitration process and the articles to be published.

The accepted articles will go through a process of correction of style and layout by the editing team. When you have the galley proof of the journal, the manuscript will be sent to the authors for review, it should be noted that the publication process in the journal does not present any economic cost for the authors. This phase can take up to three months from the approval for publication of the document.The editorial team reserves the last word on the publication of the articles and the number in which they will be published.

The journal reserves the right to make minor style corrections. The final version of the manuscript, after being diagrammed, will be sent to the authors for final verification.Ethics in research and publication is fundamental for the journal, therefore, in case of plagiarism or copyright violation, the manuscript will be rejected.

For more details, consult the guide of ethics and good editorial practices.

Originality Policy

The Journal submits all the articles that it receives to the tool of analysis of plagiarism and originality Turnitin (r). When full or high percentage is detected, the text will not be considered to be submitted to the editorial process. In case the coincidence is partial and is not justified using good citation and copyright practices, the editorial team will evaluate if with some adjustments, following the guide for the authors, the manuscript can enter the editorial process. In general terms it is recommended that the use of textal appointments be avoided, with the exception of primary sources.

The editorial process of the manuscript will continue after the author delivers the adjusted article, in accordance with the ethical norms and guide for the authors of the magazine Jangwa Pana.

For more details, consult the guide of ethics and good editorial practices and the guide for authors.

Open access policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that knowledge is collectively constructed and is the heritage of humanity. Likewise, it is considered that offering free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge (open knowledge / open knowledge). 

Jangwa Pana has a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Therefore, the content published by the Jangwa Pana magazine can be distributed, remixed, retouched and created in a non-commercial way, as long as copyright is respected; new creations that originate from publications, must also be governed under these same conditions.

Note: The Jangwa Pana Journal had its printed version, identified with the ISSN 1657-4923, until December 2018. It was financed by the Universidad del Magdalena (Colombia) and distributed free of charge.


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent archives in the journal for conservation and restoration purposes.