Poverty, inequity and suicide rate in Colombia, 2012
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social inequity
ecological studies.

How to Cite

Campo-Arias, A., & Herazo, E. (2014). Poverty, inequity and suicide rate in Colombia, 2012. Duazary, 11(2), 126–130. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.819


Suicide is a complex issue of public health importance related to multiple determinants. However, less attention has been given to distal social determinants. The aim of this study was to estimate the correlation between poverty and inequity and the suicide rate in Colombia during 2012. An ecological study was designed for measuring the correlation between poverty rates, Gini coefficient (inequity) and suicide rates in Colombian departments. Information from 23 departments and Capital District were taken; Gini coefficients were observed between 0.452 and 0.616 (M=0.511, SD=0.037); poverty rates, 11.6 and 68.0% (SD=40.7, M=14.2); and suicide rates between 1.52 and 7.59 (M=3.99, SD=1.5). The correlation between poverty (r=-0.401, p=0.052) and Gini coefficient (r=-0.086, p=0.689) and suicide rate were not significant. It is concluded that suicide rate in the Colombian states during 2012 was independent of poverty rates and Gini coefficient for inequity. More research on the social determinants of suicide rates are needed.
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