Factores asociados a la satisfacción laboral en empleados de un hospital psiquiátrico de Bucaramanga, Colombia
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Job satisfaction
Psychiatric Hospital
Transversal study

How to Cite

Quintero-Isaza, L., Biela, R., Barrera, A., & Campo-Arias, A. (2008). Factores asociados a la satisfacción laboral en empleados de un hospital psiquiátrico de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Duazary, 5(2), 76–81. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.658


Background:There are few reports about factors influencing the job satisfaction among healthcare employees inpublic hospitals.Objective:To determine the associated factors with the job satisfaction among employees of the Psychiatric HospitalSan Camilo in Bucaramanga, Colombia.Method:We designed a transversal analytical study. All the employees of the institution were asked for voluntaryparticipation. They answered anonymously a questionnaire that inquired their social-demographic characteristics,common mental illnesses, depression and anxiety (General Health questionnaire, GHQ-12) and job satisfaction(Working Environment Scale, WES-10). A lineal regression model was calculated to control the correlations withthe scores on the WES-10.Results:A total of 217 employees completed properly the total questionnaire. Scores for common mental illnesses(βstandarized=-0,583; t=-7,5; p<0,001) and the number of year working in the hospital (βstandardized=-0.186,t=-2.6, p=0.010) showed a significant correlation with the level of job satisfaction.Conclusion:Scores for common mental illnesses and year worked in the institution have significantly correlationwith the level of job satisfaction
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