Cultural competence: Nurses Caring for Students in University Health Institutions


Cultural Competence; Nursing; Student Health Services; Students

How to Cite

Orozco-Castillo, L., & Pico-Merchán, M. E. (2024). Cultural competence: Nurses Caring for Students in University Health Institutions. Duazary, 21(2). Retrieved from


Introduction: Nursing professionals are a strategic pillar in university health institutions; therefore, they need to have skills to provide care, from a cultural perspective. Objective: To describe how cultural competence is expressed in the participating nurses and how students perceive the care they receive. Method: Ethnographic qualitative research was conducted with nurses from university health institutions and regular students who received nursing care at the health institution. Information was collected through participant observation and ethnographic interview. The information was analyzed in ATLAS.ti version 8.0 software. Results: Participated five nurses. The cultural theme emerged: “I know and enjoy working with the students”, “I am kind, I attend them from the being, and I do the procedures from the knowledge”. It was sustained in two patterns: Students are different, and I enjoy working with them because I detect situations and learn; and, I am kind, I attend from being and I do procedures from knowing. Conclusions: Cultural competence in nurses is expressed from the attribute of kindness as a central element in the care of university students and their work performance from knowledge.


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