The equivalent carbon footprint of some typical Colombian dishes

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Alexander Salazar-Ceballos
Lidice Alvarez-Miño


A healthy and sustainable diet reduces the impact on the environment and promotes health. From public health, diet is a crucial determinant of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and coronary diseases known as non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Adopting a healthy and sustainable diet can contribute to their prevention. The study's objective was to describe the environmental impact of several typical dishes from the different geographical regions of Colombia, considering their original recipe initially and then eliminating red meats and processed meats. The study calculated the total CO2-eq/kg of the typical dish from the Food Impacts on the Environment for Linking to Diets database, allowing the CO2-eq/kg of each food. The results showed that the typical dish with the most significant environmental impact was the goat friche with 21,719 CO2-eq/kg. By eliminating red meats and processed meats from the typical dishes, we obtained values ​​lower than 1 CO2-eq/kg, except for the paisa tray, which had a final value of 2,035 CO2-eq/kg. We concluded that adopting a healthy and sustainable diet would reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases.


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How to Cite
Salazar-Ceballos, A., & Alvarez-Miño, L. (2022). The equivalent carbon footprint of some typical Colombian dishes. Duazary, 19(2), 95–105.
Articles of scientific and technological research


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