Meaning of the puerperium in a pandemic due to COVID-19: a new dimension of care

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Patricia Lapeira-Panneflex
Edna Osorio-Duran
Rosemary Castañeda-Mercado


he health emergency due to the coronavirus covid 19 has changed the dynamics of care. The puerperium is a stage of many changes and implies vulnerability in this group of women, who due to isolation measures do not have social support. The purpose of this study was to describe the meaning of postpartum care for women in a pandemic situation. Ethno-nursing (Leininger) was used with the unstructured interview as the data collection method. Eight puerperal women participated in the study as key informants, 2 mothers and 2 mothers-in-law as general informants. For the analysis of the information, the Spradley method was used”, which includes the domains, taxonomies, component analysis and themes. The resulting domains: taking care of the woman during the puerperium today is the way to ensure her health in the future, taking care of her child is the way to prevent her from getting sick. It is concluded that puerperal women acquire different concepts of care with contact in their social group, which for reasons of isolation measures seek sources of information such as the internet, incorporating them into their daily lives spreading beliefs, customs and that are maintained over time. weather


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How to Cite
Lapeira-Panneflex, . P., Osorio-Duran, E., & Castañeda-Mercado, R. (2021). Meaning of the puerperium in a pandemic due to COVID-19: a new dimension of care. Duazary, 18(3), 91–99.
Articles of scientific and technological research


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