Heart rate variability: sports training evaluation. Theme review
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Autonomic nervous system
Cardiovascular System

How to Cite

Porras-Alvarez, J., & Bernal-Calderón, M. O. (2019). Heart rate variability: sports training evaluation. Theme review. Duazary, 16(2), 259–269. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.2750


The heart rate variability is a non-invasive method to evaluate the response of the autonomic nervous system on the cardiovascular system, assesses the recovery capacity of the cardiovascular system in response to physical exercise. The analysis of heart rate variability indices reflects the autonomic response to the different training loads. This thematic review shows the conclusions and evaluation protocols used to control and evaluate athletic training. The heart rate variability was analyzed by the time and frequency domain methods. The search was made in the databases of SCOPUS, PubMed and the google academic search engine, using the keywords "heart rate variability" "athletes", "cardiac autonomic modulations". The selected articles had as their target population athletes of competitive level of different sports. In conclusion, the evaluation of the heart rate variability allows determining the adaptation or non-adaptation to the training loads, programming the volume and intensity appropriate of the training load, supervising the performance throughout the training periods and monitor the performance sports during the championships.
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