Spiritual welfare of patients with chronic diseases who enter a care institution
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Spiritual Wellness
chronic disease
home care

How to Cite

Rivas Castro, A. C., Romero Cárdenas, Ángela V., & Vásquez Munive, M. (2013). Spiritual welfare of patients with chronic diseases who enter a care institution. Duazary, 10(1), 20–25. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.202


 Objective: To determine the spiritual welfare of patients with chronic diseases in a home care institution. Methodology: descriptive, transversal study. The sample was represented by 106 patients with chronic diseases, which was applied to the spiritual well-being scale Jarel, which valued dimensions: Faith and beliefs, life / self-reliance and satisfaction / life. Results: The results showed that 53% of patients were male, predominantly patients with 60 years or more (80%), and the presence of chronic diseases, the most common cerebro-vascular diseases, which caused disability. It showed that 100% of them believe in a higher power, pray and share responsibility for their lives with their families and are not satisfied with their lives, since chronicity itself changes the life of the patient and his family. Conclusions: The respondents have medium spiritual wellness, because they perceive the role fatigue caregiver. Strengthen their because they believe in God, they feel that their family are supportive, and the disease produces disability causes them little satisfaction to life
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