Fybromialgya, social inequities and gender. Qualitative study about the transformation of body discomfort into psychosocial discomfort
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Health equity
chronic pain
gender and health

How to Cite

Pujal i-Llombart, M., Mora-Malo, E., & Schöngut-Grollmus, N. (2017). Fybromialgya, social inequities and gender. Qualitative study about the transformation of body discomfort into psychosocial discomfort. Duazary, 14(1), 70–78. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.1745


New and renewed medical health issues have appeared in the last years. Their main characteristic is the absence of an organic cause, in bio-psycho-medical terms. This paper tackles some of this issues, focusing specially in patients with chronic pain and a diagnose of fibromyalgia. Its main objective is to analyze the way in which people with this diagnose and that participate in patients community organizations, transform their corporal discomfort in psychosocial discomfort. This has been done using qualitative research methods, specifically focus groups and content analysis. The main results of this research show that people that are able to do this show improvement in their quality of life. At the same time, it shows the necessity of adding gender, social inequities and power relationships as important elements in public health.  
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